Smit Shah

Ordinals in .Net

We have all come across projects where we have to display the date, but not just the date, also the ordinal that goes with the date.

Example:July 31st 2012, 10:27 AM

The standard .Net library only offers a July 31 2012, 10:27 AM without the "st"

To achive this, simply create a function and use it in your code.

    '[String].Format("{0:dddd}, {1} {0:MMMM} {0:yyyy}", [date], AppendDaySuffix([date].Day))
    Public Function AppendDaySuffix(day As Integer) As String
        Dim daySuffix As String = ""
        If day = 1 OrElse day = 21 OrElse day = 31 Then
            daySuffix = "st"
        ElseIf day = 2 OrElse day = 22 Then
            daySuffix = "nd"
        ElseIf day = 3 OrElse day = 23 Then
            daySuffix = "rd"
            daySuffix = "th"
        End If
        Return (day & daySuffix)
    End Function

And wherever you are trying to print the output to, simply use 
<%=String.Format("{0:MMMM} {1} {0:yyyy}, {0:hh}:{0:mm} {0:tt}",Now, AppendDaySuffix(Now.Day))%>

I hope this helps you save time searching for a solution.

Please provide your feedback.
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